Reiki Establishes the Precise Condition for Healing

Originally published on Seattle City Reiki by Reiki Master Diane Larson

The Energy Medicine of Reiki

The Energy Medicine of Reiki creates the appropriate condition to heal your body, mind, and emotions as one of its main directives is to shift your system into parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) dominance. When the PNS is dominant, the body is in rest and digest mode, and its focal point is to balance, heal, thoroughly nurture and restore itself.

Our Reactive Nervous System

The body inherently knows how to do these things, but unfortunately, our busy and highly stressed lifestyle keeps us in reactive sympathetic nervous system (SNS) mode. In this mode, the body’s focus is coping (fight or flight), not healing. Pain can get locked into the nervous system even when the condition is gone. The more pain we experience the harder it is to self-heal, as the human body cannot mend in a stressed state.

Reiki for Whole-System Healing

Reiki enables whole-system healing, treating the whole person not just the condition as it down-regulates the nervous system creating a relaxed state.

It is not possible for our bodies to cope and heal simultaneously. It’s fight/flight or rest/digest- not both at the same time.


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